New Ministries
- The Shack- book study- coordinated by Mark Smith
- Deaf ministry- Spearheaded by Sandi Lerman
- Knitting ministry- Suzi Jarman
- Soup ministry and Food Drive- off to a great start- Leslie Baum
Music visioning
Agreed that Chip Bramlage will be (remain) Music Coordinator. Music visioning sessions got a lot of participation and we reached consensus. Make announcement on the blog and update the website.
Month of Wonder
Working title for the Easter/Post Easter Sunday series.
Ask for financial assistance from SONKA for advertising. March 17 Church Development meeting
Easter is best time to reach out to people seeking a new church.
Sunday topics
- Easter Sunday
- Breakfast
- Easter egg hunt
- Special music
- Recommitment of couples Sunday
- Music & arts Sunday
- Stories, dance, poetry
- Social Justice-
- adoption? Equal Opportunity?
- Diversity
501c3 tax exemption rules- talked about our 501c3 status and what that means concerning communication with the congregation both orally and electronically.