Monday, February 23, 2009

Nexus News- February 21, 2009

Read OR Listen?Image by suchitra prints via Flickr
Dear Friends of Nexus Church,

Christmas may be packed away and put away until another year, but in our life together at Nexus have you noticed that we are still dealing with Christmas?

Since Christmas, we've heard the scriptures - mostly the very first chapter of Mark's gospel -- give us a wonderful variety of perspectives on the identity of Jesus:
  • Jesus touches us, bringing healing and wholeness to a religious world focused on control and purity.
  • Jesus challenges us to let loose the Spirit of God as our words become deeds that meet needs.
  • Jesus demonstrates a new kind of authority by confronting the power of evil with the non-violent power of soul.
  • In Jesus the power of God crashes into our lives, inviting us to come out with God and let new identities come into public view.
  • Jesus initiates God's renewal movement with humanity as God's beloved
  • Jesus welcomes a wide range of beliefs, asking only that we "come and see" for ourselves.

Since Christmas, we've also seen almost a doubling of the active covenant members of the church.  We've welcomed 24 visitors, of whom 4 have decided to stay and check out Nexus.  As a community, we've celebrated our first baptism and seen God's awesome power and blessing.

And now we're seeing a growing swell of people naming and claiming new ministries of service, justice, and fun.  Just take a look at the "Good Stuff" section below to see the latest ideas.  And keep in mind other ideas from previous weeks - ideas about knitting, about a book discussion group, about a running group, about a new marketing campaign, about a revamped presence on social networking sites, and about a new web site.

Just what is going on at Nexus Church?  Could it be that we're still unwrapping the questions and gifts that come from God's Christmas incarnation?  Could it be that we're beginning to see what happens when we let loose the spirit of God in our lives?

Blessings on all your questions and all your gifts,


Feb 22 was a big Sunday for Nexus church!

We had our regular worship service at 10AM.  We once again tried to make sense of who Jesus is, what his mission is about, and how it might be relevant to our lives today.  The sermon title was "Listen to Him" The scripture is a classic Christian story -- the Transfiguration -- Mark 9:2-9.  The sermon can be heard on our website at http:/  Click on "Listen In" to find our archive.

Secondly, we celebrated the installation of Mike as pastor at 3:00 p.m.  In the United Church of Christ installation of a pastor is a special service.  Members and friends of Nexus joined with folks from other UCC churches in the area and with Mike to make promises about our ministry together.  We had guest speakers, one from Chicago and one from Delaware, OH.

Ash Wednesday Service- Wednesday, Feb 25, 7:00 p.m.  - Our Ash Wednesday service will be a simple, intimate time for reflection and meditation.  We will share communion and (if you want) the imposition of ashes. We'll meet in one of the community rooms at the Y.  When you come in, please check the Nexus bulletin board by the front entrance for the exact room location.

Monthly Potluck after worship service - Sunday, March 1.

Where are the 20-Somethings? - March 2 -- Jeff Davis and Pastor Mike will participate in a Webinar on the special challenges of reaching younger adults.

Sharing Soup - Starting Wednesday, March 4 (Note corrected starting date) - It's a simple and greatly appreciated Lenten service project - serving homemade soup to folks at the Y every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 (or until the soup runs out.)  Leslie Baum is coordinating the event and has sign-up sheets Sunday morning.

Music Visioning Group -- Saturday, March 7, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Pastor Mike's home, 6983 Willowood Drive in West Chester.  Anyone interested in the musical program at Nexus is invited to participate in this second gathering.  We'll review the ideas and hopes voiced at the first meeting, examine the current situation with music at Nexus, and come to agreement about moving ahead.

Children's Clothing Sale - Saturday, March 28 - East Butler Y is holding a consignment sale of children's clothing (newborn to size 16) and maternity clothing.  Sellers keep 80% of the selling price for their items,


Like to sing?  Like to eat dessert?  Starting sometime the third week of March, Vince Benabese will be hosting a monthly song circle around the spinet piano in the basement of his and Mike's home in West Chester. It's envisioned as a time to share and sing a wide variety of songs related to earth, spirit, and love.  It's strictly informal and open to all, regardless of your background in singing.  In between the songs, there'll be time for desserts.

Possible dates are Sunday afternoon, March 15, or Friday evening, March 20.  If you're interested, let Vince know ( which date works better for you.

Growing Bold in Grand Rapids, MI - June 22-29 -- The UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns is planning its 2009 National Gathering.  The theme for this year's gathering is "Growing Bold." It will be a celebration of what Open and Affirming can be in its fullest expression -- worship, fellowship, celebration and engagement.

According to Google, Grand Rapids is an easy 5.5 hour drive from the Y.  Stay tuned for more details: Dana Johnson has offered to coordinate the trip for anyone interested in going from Nexus.

From 2nd and 3rd grade to grandparent/grandchild - There's a variety of summer UCC camps available for your children.  The Closson family has had great experiences with these summer camps, and would be glad to share their experiences with you.


Fight against poverty unites many Christian -- Christians have begun bridging political and religious differences to seek solutions to one of the nation's most persistent problems: poverty.

  • On Tuesday this past week, a new bipartisan group called the Poverty Forum released a series of specific proposals aimed at reducing domestic poverty and keeping Americans hit by the economic crisis from joining the ranks of the poor.
  • In January, Christian Churches Together (CCT), among the most inclusive ecumenical organization ever formed in the US, reached agreement on a poverty initiative, which it presented to members of President Obama's Domestic Policy Council

For more details (from the Christian Science Monitor's viewpoint):

Sharing your journey -- Have you noticed that the Nexus website now has faith stories from five individuals or couples:
  • Barb and Reg Olsen
  • Jeff Davis
  • Chip Bramlage
  • Frank Wray
  • Brian Smith

Click on "Spotlight" in the right hand column of the blog to see their stories.   There's plenty of opportunity for you to share YOUR faith journey, too.  This is a wonderful way to introduce newcomers to Nexus know just who we are and even for the "old timers" to get to know each other better.  Please send your story and a digital picture to Brian Smith. 


Offering basket - No, we don't pass the plate or make a "big deal:" of it.  But we do know that regular giving is part of spiritual growth.  Members and friends of Nexus are reminded that the offering basket is on the table as you enter the gym.  Please use an envelope, if you would like a year-end statement of your giving to Nexus.

Electronic giving You can use your debit/credit card or a bank transfer to make on-line charitable contributions to Nexus Church. Contributions can be made via the Web Site or by sending funds directly to the Nexus Church PayPal account:


Yes, very occasionally the snow and ice are so bad that we have to cancel Sunday worship or a planned church activity.  If it is necessary to cancel Sunday worship, a decision will be made at least by 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning.

Notice of any cancelled worship or cancelled activity will be given in three ways:
  • An e-mail will be sent to all persons on the general Nexus distribution list
  • A notice will be placed on the Nexus web-site:
  • A changed voicemail greeting will be put on the voice mail of the Nexus phone: 513-708-7803.  Just dial the number and listen to the greeting.  If we have cancelled, it will say so.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spotlight on Barb & Reg Olsen

Reg and Barb OlsenBarbara and Reg Olson are members of the United Methodist Church, where Reg is a retired ordained clergyman.  We have enjoyed being a part of the Nexus Community.  It is known that we are also national coordinators of the Parents’ Reconciling Network, a group that seeks to reform the United Methodist Church’s  “closed door “ stance toward the LGBT community.   Why do we continue to be members of a church with which we disagree?

There are several reasons for our continuing work for change in the United Methodist Church, and all Christian denominations that are not open to the full participation of gays and lesbians in the Church.

                1. It would be easy to “drop out” and change our focus, but if we don’t do it who will?  The churches need such a reformation.

                2. We believe that we have been called by God to work for this acceptance of ALL GOD’s CHILDREN.  When our daughter came out lesbian God was reaching out to us to learn, pray and teach others about inclusiveness.  Like the prophets of old we ask, “why me Lord?” – why should I be involved in sometimes dangerous and thankless work.  After soul-searching we finally answered, “Here am I, sent me.”

                3. We feel that our struggle is in continuity with the best in the churches.  Their history is one of a gradual opening to accept all of God’s children as of sacred worth.  The mainline churches have grown closer to God, in their acceptance of racial diversity, of the poor, of ethnic diversity, of women, with all their gifts, and it will one day open its doors to gays and lesbians.

                4. We need to struggle against the powers of evil, as represented by the Institute for Religion and Democracy (the IRD).  This well-funded Washington-based lobby group is dedicated to bringing about change in the protestant church that have been “too progressive,”  so they can support the Neo-Conservative political agenda.  This group won a battle to prevent women from being leaders in the Southern Baptist Church.  The IRD has attacked the Methodists and Presbyterians, on being too open to the gay community.  And it has infiltrated many congregations of the United Church of Christ.  Two extremely important resources about the IRD ask to be read  -- United Methodism at RISK, a Wakeup Call, by  Leon Howell; and Steeplejacking, How the Christian Right is Hijacking Mainstream Religion, by Sheldon Culver, and John Dorhauer, two UCC denominational leaders.

Why do we attend Nexus?  Because it reflects values that we think are of utmost importance—values of diversity, justice, and the love of God; and because we have made many good friends here.  We too need to be fed spiritually.  We are being nourished at Nexus.  (Perhaps there is some nostalgia too, as Reg was raised in one of the denominational forbears of the UCC, the Evangelical and Reformed Church, and our daughter Beth’s partner, Shelly, our “Daughter In Love”  is now an ordained UCC pastor, in Pennsylvania.)
Attending Nexus and being part of the Nexus community does not necessarily require that one give up affiliation with other churches.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Nexus News- February 14th, 2009

The TouchImage by pangalactic gargleblaster via Flickr

Dear Friends of Nexus Church,

Vince and I are indeed happy that so many of you dropped by last Sunday afternoon for our Open House.  Having our Nexus family and our neighbors together makes 6983 Willowood Drive really feel like "home" to us.

With the great help of Eric Middlebrook, Krista Bramlage, Barb Hobe, and Jay Mills - not to mention Vince's sister Martha and our good Chicago friends Eliot and Robert - we were able to take it easy and enjoy our time together.  Thank you.

Soon - February 22 at 3:00 p.m., to be exact - you are invited to get out something colored red.  For more details, check out this article:  Installation of Pastor Mike



"He Touched Me" - Sunday, Feb 15, 10:00 a.m.   Our theme Sunday will focus on Jesus' radical actions in bringing healing and hope to a religious world obsessed with purity and control. Our point of departure will be Mark's simple story about Jesus' touching an outcast (Mark 1:40-45).  Keep in mind past sermons (including this one) are available at our main website:  Just click on the "Listen In" link.

We will be inspired by the music of Chip Bramlage and the Band.   Krista Bramlage will lead the New Explorer program. Eric Middlebrook and Pam Benjamin will set-up our worship space and welcome newcomers.

Installation of Pastor Mike- Sunday afternoon, Feb 22 at 3:00 p.m. at the East Butler YMCA. It's a "special" service for the Installation of Mike as our Pastor.  We're having it at 3 p.m. (in addition to the usual service in the morning) so that folks from other churches can attend.   Primarily, it will be time to make more public our call to be a voice of progressive Christianity in southwest Ohio.  We'll have guest speakers, one from Chicago and one from Delaware, OH.  Chip and the Band will provide music.  Childcare will be available.

Sharing Soup - Starting Wednesday, Feb 25 -- NexusChurch will once again provide soup every Wednesday late afternoon/evening during Lent for anyone and everyone at the Y.  It's a great way for us to meet our neighbors and to do something that is really appreciated.  Leslie Baum is coordinating the event and soon will be asking for volunteer soup makers and soup servers.

Ash Wednesday Service- 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Feb 25 - Yes, NexusChurch will have an Ash Wednesday service this year.  Our Ash Wednesday service will be a simple, intimate time for reflection and meditation.  We will also share communion and (if you want) the imposition of ashes. We'll meet in one of the community rooms at the Y.

Children's Clothing Sale - Saturday, March 28 - East Butler Y is holding a consignment sale of children's clothing (newborn to size 16) and maternity clothing.  It's a great way to clear out your closets of those clothes your kids will never again wear - and make it available to other families.  Sellers keep 80% of the selling price for their items,


Hospitality for homeless families - From late Friday afternoon through Saturday morning, folks from four different Nexus households provided hospitality, food, and activities for homeless families in the Lebanon area.  Our next host night for the Interfaith Hospitality Network is May 22.

Updated Ad -- Thanks to Beth McClary, our weekly notice in the Pulse-Journal newspaper has been updated.  It now mentions child care and Early Explorers, and features the tag line "Our faith is 2,000 years old; our thinking is not." 

Where are the 20-Somethings? - On March 2 Jeff Davis and Pastor Mike will participate in a special Webinar on "Where are the 20-somethings?" It's sponsored by the national UCC and promises to focus on the special challenges of reaching this group.  If anyone else is interested in participating, please let Mike know.


Electronic giving You can use your debit/credit card or a bank transfer to make on-line charitable contributions to NexusChurch. Contributions can be made via the Web Site or by sending funds directly to the Nexus Church PayPal account:

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Installation of Pastor Mike

Nexus Church officially installs its new pastor, Mike Underhill on February 22, 2009. Nexus Church is a young church which became officially affiliated with the United Church of Christ in 2007. Nexus is an open and affirming, multi-racial and multicultural congregation whose mission is to be a voice of progressive Christianity to the Liberty and West Chester townships and surrounding communities.

Pastor Mike was called to Nexus Church on September 21, 2008 and began his full-time at Nexus on November 1. Pastor Mike hails from Tennessee and is a May 2008 graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary. Prior to entering ordained ministry, Pastor Mike had extensive corporate leadership in diversity and inclusion, human resources, and information technology. He and his partner Vince Benabese live in West Chester, Ohio.

The service will be led by Reverends Ruth Brandon and Carol Bastiin. Rev. Brandon is the Association Minister of the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky Association of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ. Rev. Bastin is chair of the Association’s Post Ordination Team of the Church and Ministry Committee. She is co-pastor of First United Church of Christ in Troy, OH.

Comments will be delivered by The Rev. Barb Bolsen of Chicago, IL and Mr. Jon Peterson of Delaware, OH. A native of Cincinnati and graduate of Western Hills High School, Rev. Bolsen is currently Vice President for Programs at The Night Ministry, a ground-breaking ministry and advocacy program for homeless persons and at-risk youth on the streets of Chicago. Mr. Peterson was a long-term Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives and a sponsor of progressive legislation. In November 2008 he was elected Treasurer of Delaware, OH.

In keeping with the mission of Nexus Church, Rev. Bolsen and Mr. Peterson will focus their remarks around the question of why Butler County needs a strong voice of progressive Christianity such as Nexus Church.

At appropriate points in the service, music will be provided/performed by the Nexus contemporary band, led by Nexus’ music director Chip Bramlage. Scripture for the service will be Luke 4:14-20, to be read by one of the Nexus’ youth.

Refreshments will be served after the service.

The service is Sunday afternoon, February 22, 2009, beginning at 3:00 p.m. in a community room at the East Butler YMCA, 6645 Morris Road, Hamilton, OH 45011. The Y is located approximately 7 minutes west of I-75 near the intersection of Rt. 129 and Bypass 4.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nexus News- February 6, 2009

changed prioritiesImage by hockadilly via Flickr

The circle is wider!  Eleven new folk were welcomed last Sunday as covenant members of Nexus Church.  New members include:
  • Marian Beauford-Martin -- baptized in the Catholic church; transfer from Lakeview UCC
  • Donna Jean Beauford Martin -- baptized in the Baptist church; transfer from Lakeview UCC
  • Andy Closson -- baptized in the Catholic church; transfer from Lord of Life Lutheran and Journey UCC
  • Emily Closson -- baptized in the Lutheran church; transfer from Lord of Life Lutheran and Journey UCC
  • Corinne Cross -- baptized in the Presbyterian church; profession of faith
  • Dana Johnson - baptized in the Presbyterian church; profession of faith
  • Suzanne Jarman -- baptized in the Catholic church; transfer from Journey UCC
  • Kim Martin -- baptized in the Baptist church; profession of faith
  • Beth McClary -- baptized in the Catholic Church; transfer from Lord of Life Lutheran
  • Cheri Smiley -- baptized at Nexus; profession of faithMark Smith --baptized in the Church of Christ; transfer from Tri-County Baptist Church

The group includes 6 individuals who have "long" histories with Nexus and 5 individuals who have recently become active with Nexus.  When she returns to town, Janet Crawford plans to join, too.

Have you ever seen so many beautiful bugs?  - As part of our monthly potluck lunch, last Sunday Frank Wray shared his slides and stories about his experiences in Costa Rica this past fall.  Thanks, Frank!

Running with God?  -- Many Nexus folk report that running is an important time of spiritual reflection.  Emily Closson and others are organizing a Nexus running "team:" The first event may be a 5K Frog Job sponsored by the East Butler Y on April 25.


"Clear Priorities" - Sunday, Feb 8, 10:00 a.m.   Our gospel reading this Sunday is Mark 1:29-39.  It's a fascinating account of the rest of Jesus' day and night that didn't turn out exactly as the disciples had expected.

We will be inspired by -- and will especially acknowledge - the music of PS 150.  Krista Bramlage will lead the New Explorer program. Corinne Cross and Kim Martin will set-up our worship space and welcome newcomers.  Frank Wray will read scripture.

Open House- You are invited -- Sunday afternoon, Feb 8, 1:30-4:30 p.m. -- Mike Underhill and Vince Benabese cordially invite you to stop by anytime from 1:30 to 4:30 for their Open House. Mike and Vince live at 6983 Willowood Drive.

Nexus Governing Council - Monday, Feb 9, at 7:00 p.m. at the Panera Restaurant in Bridgewater Falls Shopping Center.  Please contact Karl Ulrich if you have ideas or concerns for the Council.

Hospitality for homeless families - Friday, Feb 13, is our Interfaith Hospitality Network host night at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Lebanon.  At least 6 volunteers are needed for supper, evening activities, and over-night care.  Please let Helen Ulrich know if you are interested.

Installation of Mike as Pastor - Sunday afternoon, Feb 22 at 3:00 p.m. at the East Butler YMCA.  It's a time for the folks at Nexus, the pastor, and other UCC churches in the area to make Mike's ministry "official."  Primarily, though, it will be time to make more public our call to be a voice of progressive Christianity in southwest Ohio.  Childcare will be available.

Sharing Soup  - Starting Wednesday, Feb 25 -- Due to overwhelming positive response from last year, Nexus Church will once again provide soup every Wednesday late afternoon/evening during Lent for anyone and everyone at the Y.  It's a great way for us to meet our neighbors and to do something that is really appreciated.  Leslie Baum is coordinating the event and soon will be asking for volunteer soup makers and soup servers.

Ash Wednesday
- Wednesday, Feb 25 - Ash Wednesday is the first day of the 40 day period before Easter called Lent.  It's often a time of reflection and prayer.  If you are interested in helping plan a creative Ash Wednesday "event," please let Mike know.

Children's Clothing Sale - Saturday, March 28 - East Butler Y is holding a consignment sale of children's clothing (newborn to size 16) and maternity clothing.  It's a great way to clear out your closets of those clothes your kids will never again wear - and make it available to other families.  Sellers keep 80% of the selling price for their items,


Seriously: do you like to read and discuss?  - Several Nexus folk are eager to host book discussions, either at the Y or in their homes.  Does this sound interesting to you?  Please  let Mike know if you'd like an invitation to participate.

Have you shared your story?  Would you consider writing a paragraph or two about why you are at Nexus and what does faith mean to you?   Sharing your story is a powerful way to reach out to others and help them connect their faith and life.  If you are willing to write a paragraph or two, just let Brian Smith know.  Our newly refreshed website:


Electronic giving You can use your debit/credit card or a bank transfer to make on-line charitable contributions to Nexus Church. Contributions can be made via the Web Site or by sending funds directly to the Nexus Church PayPal account:

Open House at Mike's
Vince and I are certainly looking forward to greeting you in our home this Sunday afternoon, Feb. 8.

Please feel free to drop by anytime between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m.  We live at 6983 Willowood Drive.  (The post office considers us to be in Cincinnati, but we're "really" in West Chester off Dimmick Road.)

Children, of course, are very welcome!  The lower level of our house will be "devoted" to activities and games that younger children may enjoy.  There's also a pool table there for youth (and adults).

Around 3:00 p.m. those who are here will gather for a short house blessing and then a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday."   Would you believe, Vince turned 50 yesterday!

Bring an appetite, too.  There will be a variety of hot and cold appetizers, soft drinks, fruit drinks, coffee, beer, and wine.  Oh, yes, there will be birthday cake and sweets, too.

Many hands, of course, are involved in Sunday's Open House.

  • Jay Mills, pianist extraordinaire and pianist at Bethany UCCand Bethel AME churches in Lebanon, will fill the house with music.
  • Krista Bramlage will lead activities for children.
  • Our very own, the Rev. Barb Hobe will lead the house blessing.
  • Eric Middlebrook will oversee the kitchen.

You can see that Vince and I are putting our roots down in southwest Ohio.   What a joy and privilege it is to be pastor of Nexus Church!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PayPal Link is working again

Image representing PayPal as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
If you tried to use the PayPal link from our website and it was broken, please try again.  It's working now.

The website is at
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