Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nexus News- July 17, 2009

365:54 Foot rubImage by Sonia Kiss via Flickr
Dear Friends of Nexus Church,

Restoration, comfort, and abundance?
In our very busy and challenging lives, we get lots of experience in coping with struggle, scarcity, and fear. Our worship this week invites us to claim a different world -- a world of restoration, comfort, and abundance.

The Scripture and sermon this week will explore perhaps the best known chapter in the entire Bible: Psalm 23.  Can we really have no fear when life puts us in the "darkest valley?"  Is it enough to trust in a Shepherd God?  Would we prefer a conquering God?  a rescuing God?  a punishing God?  Or perhaps we'd rather just get through it all ourselves?

Our point of departure will be Jesus' diagnosis (Mark 6:34) that the people of his time were "sheep without a shepherd."

We'll have the usual strong music of our Nexus Band and Nexus Singers and time to share our joys and our concerns in prayer.  Krista Bramlage will lead the children in New Explorers.  Kim Martin and Corinne Cross will set up our worship space, make announcements, and read Scripture.

I hope to see you Sunday at 10:00 a.m.!

Christmas in July
You now have an opportunity to support a Christmas in July party for homeless children.  Every child at the party will receive a new outfit for the first day of school, a full back-pack, a hair cut, new shoes, plus special surprises.

The Interfaith Hospitality Network estimates that 75 children will attend this year's party in Lebanon, OH.  All the children were in the shelter sometime during the past twelve months.

At Nexus we will collect your donations and then send them all to the Interfaith Hospitality Network which we support throughout the year. Please use the special "Spread the Love" envelopes at the welcome table and place them in the basket.

Health care is a moral issue
Health care is not just about dollars and cents, but is a profound moral issue of life and death. It is fundamentally about whether we are a community that values the life of each person- poor, rich, or middle-class.

I encourage you to play a role in the current health-care reform debate.  You can be part of creating a better system for all in our community.

Here's one resource that you may find helpful.  It's produced in part by Sojourners, a long respected organizational leader in many issues of quality and fairness.

If you have other resources that would be helpful, please let me know and I'll be glad to help distribute them.

Blessings to you today and every day,
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Nexus News- July 3, 2009

Fireworks #1
Dear Friends of Nexus Church,

Happy Fourth of July!
The meetings in Grand Rapids last week were wonderful but Vince and I are delighted to be back home in Ohio to celebrate our first Fourth of July here.  Somewhere tonight we look forward to a grand fireworks spectacular.

And then on Sunday, of course, we look forward to being with you at the East Butler County YMCA.

In the midst of all the red, white, and blue celebrations of a busy weekend, we will have a wonderful time of worship together this Sunday July 5.

  • Our focus will be practical and down-to-earth, as we explore the all too familiar experience of rejection. Using the story of Jesus' last visit to his hometown Nazareth, I will share ideas about "Rejecting Rejection." Actually, this Sunday will be the first part of a two-part sermon series.  The topic of rejection was just too big to "squeeze" into one sermon.
  • In addition to the usual strong music of our Nexus Band and Nexus Singers, this Sunday we will enjoy a brand-new song, "Hope in You," written and composed by our own Chip Bramlage and Nancy Wheeler.
  • Our worship will end with the quiet and peace of Communion.

By Request -- It's time to vote!
All the nominations are in and voting has been extended for one more Sunday.  Altogether, you submitted 15 topics on which you'd like me to preach later in the summer:

  • What's the difference between being spiritual and being religious?  Do they correlate with each other?
  • What is heaven like?  What about life after death?
  • Forgiveness
  • Opening one's heart to the truth
  • How should Christians respond to people of other faiths? Should we try to convert them?
  • Did God create everything? What do the creation stories mean to us in the 21st century?
  • Why did they decide to nail Jesus on the cross?  What does the cross represent?
  • Is there a "bad place" (hell)? Where did the idea of "hell" come from and how has it changed over the years?
  • What are the issues between Muslims and Christians?
  • Is God man, woman, or both?
  • Do Angels exist?
  • Is there a Devil?  What about evil?
  • Where did God come from?
  • Book of Revelation - e.g., was the guy who wrote it really "nuts"?
  • How do we acknowledge the legitimacy of other paths to God but understand Jesus' words "no one comes to the Father but by me"?
Ballots will be available at church this Sunday.  Just check your 4 favorite topics and leave you ballot in the basket on the welcome table.

Planning your summer calendar
  • A baby shower for Krista Bramlage will be held Sunday, July 12.  See Ty Smith for details.
  • We will not have a potluck lunch this Sunday July 5.  Instead, Ty Smith and Helen Ulrich are planning a cook-out after church in August.  Stay tuned for details.
Many thanks!
If you were at church last Sunday June 28th, you were in for a treat.  While I was out of town attending national church meetings, many folks stepped up to make worship possible.

Nexus had the honor of welcoming Rev. Larry Rezash from Centerville as our guest preacher. Reg Olson held everything together as our worship leader.  Nancy Wheeler and Mike Kiely once again led the music.  Helen Ulrich and Mark Smith took care of the set-up, and Jeff Davis read Scripture.

Nexus Church is indeed blessed to have so many talented and spirited folk!

Blessings to you today and every day,


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