Saturday, August 28, 2010

What's Important About Nexus Church?

P1000762.JPGImage by BrianWestChest via FlickrFriends,

My workshop was inspiring.  Our vacation was refreshing. But it's good to be back with you in southwest Ohio. Let me share one thing I've learned in the past few weeks.

I learned that folks all across the country and across the state are counting on Nexus Church.

My learning started at the national workshop on church development outside of Atlanta. As part of the worship service one morning I was in conversation with a fellow pastor. We were asked to share with each other something about where our churches are located and what difference they are making. 

I told her about Nexus Church and our commitment to being a voice of progressive Christianity. I mentioned that we were one of only two Christian churches in the entire county which openly and fully welcomes gay and lesbian folk and their families.   I talked about our forthcoming new curriculum for younger children.  I described how progressive people were beginning to come out and stir up the local political party structure.

As for the location of Nexus Church, I simply said that Nexus Church and all this progressive Christianity were in the political center of John Boehner's 8th Congressional District.

She took a deep breath, and almost shouted,

"It's SO important, Mike, that you are  building a church there! So important!"

And then in today's mail, I got a letter addressed to the "Nexus UCC Church Family."  It's from a man and woman who visited Nexus Church once.  They live on the other side of Ohio, 250 miles away.  Their note said

"Your kindness is like sunshine-- warm and bright. Thank you. Please find our gift to be used anyway you may find effective to do your ministry in the name of Christ."

They enclosed a check for $200 which I will gratefully place in our offering basket this Sunday.

Friends, do you feel the love and attention from across the country?  what's important to YOU about Nexus Church? are YOU willing to be more and do more and give more for God's work in southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky?

Blessings for our ministry together!


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